Jun 30, 2011
Looming Cat-Lady-dom

Jun 28, 2011
Muzak Deal!
60 for $1

Jun 22, 2011
Scouting the Hawaiian Tropics

Oh sweet self-actualization, Maslow!
So, my last names begins with "W". I was always last or very close to last in line. As an adult, I meticulously plan my shopping trips. I research purchases. I know what the best product is and who has it for the best price. Plans. Not impulses. Take that WiseBread. But wait! I am also a horrible impulse buyer! I'm proving them right. I want what I want and I want it yesterday. I buy Groupons and get really excited if I do so before everyone else I know. New restaurant - where? I should be the first to try it. Ooohhh, colorful bins of crap in the middle of the isle - they must be in the middle of the isle because they're special. I'm special too, I need that stuff. Pick me! Pick me, stuff! Now I have a blog about getting deals so other people can see my deals and tell me how cool they are (I am). Oh sweet self actualization, Maslow! I'm so glad I have something to blame this on. Personal responsibility? No thanks (unless it comes with a RR).
Jun 21, 2011
Soda Shop

Jun 20, 2011
Shake Your Money Maker at CVS

Dirty mouth? Don't chew gum, that's dumb. Brush your teeth and brush 'em with toothpaste that CVS paid you to take home. This week CVS has Colgate Total Advanced Toothpaste for $2.79 with a $2ECB. Combine this with a $1.00 coupon from the 6/12/11 SmartSource and you make 21 cents!
Don't know what ECBs are? Check out "Fillers, RRs, ECBs...huh?" on your right, under "Good to Know".
Walgreens Switch-A-Roo = Free-er Tampons!
So that's 36 ct tampons + 18 ct tampons = $5.49
(Walgreens sale + 2 $1.50 manufacturer's coupons = $8.29 savings)
If you are currently in need of tampons, you'll probably like this deal: pop on over to CVS where you can get $5.99 in ECBs on a $5.99 bag of Hershey's Bliss. That's free - you have to pay $5.99 for the Bliss - a $5.99 Extra Care Bucks "coupon" will print on your receipt that you may use on your next purchase. Go ahead and use it right away if you want. Buy your chocolate then turn right around and buy a few things you need that add up to $5.99 (like bread, pet food, etc) and use your ECB just like a coupon! You walk out of the store with your Hershey's Bliss and other item(s) that equal $5.99 all for $5.99! Consider the Bliss free or the other stuff free, either way, you left with free stuff!
Jun 16, 2011
I tried this because it was on clearance product review: Godiva Truffle Bar Oranges & Cream in White Chocolate

Initial reaction: O.M.Geeee, that's good! Why did I only buy one? Go back! Go back! Why are they on clearance?!? Are they being discontinued? WHAT-IS GOING-ON?!?
Post initial reaction: Yeah, that was good. I'm glad I only bought one. Had I bought more, I would have turned into something not dissimilar to a wood chipper and devoured them all. Oh yeah, I made a coconut pie Tuesday - I can eat that instead. Wait, instead - I don't need anything instead. If I don't get a new job soon I'm going to be the size of a house. And I don't mean one of those cute little pre-fab houses Brad Pitt "built" in New Orleans after Katrina. I'll see if Target has more of those bars next time I'm there. Which will not be tonight. I can not go tonight. Can I?
Hello, Yellow!

The sale is available online and in-store.
Jun 15, 2011
Stockpile Sneak Peek!

Jen’s stockpile: 4 body washes, 5 lotions, 3 styling products, 1 insect repellent, 2 bottles sunblock, 1 chapstick, 4 mascaras, 5 bottles Bayer Advanced, 3 Tic Tac Big Packs, 2 bottles BBQ sauce, 3 Clorox wipes, 2 Lysol toilet bowl cleaners, 4 tubes Colgate, 2 bottles Glade Fabric & Air, 1 bag Tide Stain Release, 1 package Q-tips
Not pictured: three boxes of cereal and three cans of Pringles. They are in my pantry, which needs to be organized. I’m embarrassed to show it to you right now.
Jun 14, 2011
To the Couponer go the Spoils

2 shirts (sale & store coups)
2 dresses (sale & store coups)
Blistex (sale & rr)
Scar Zone (sale)
3 tubes Colgate (sale & manus)
2 Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaners (store coup)
3 Bayer Advanced (manu coup & rr)
3 Peanut Butter M&Ms (sale) - filler items (I'll do a post on fillers)
Butterfinger (sale) - filler item
Sample of Renpure
3 Falsies Mascaras (sale & ecb)
Bread (used ecb on this)
4 cans Friskies (used ecb on this)
3 Tic Tac Big Packs (sale & manu)
NYC Lipstick (used ecb on this)
Original Prices: $148.52
Sale Prices: $73.07
Paid: $44.30
Total Savings: $104.22 or slightly over 70% AND I have a few mail-in rebates to submit!
Update: check the right hand side of the blog under the "Good to Know" section for more info on RRs, ECBs and Fillers.
Jun 13, 2011
Crunchy Underwear, no, wait...

Jun 10, 2011
4 Cent Lotion!!!

I admit it, I did this 3 times. Then I took a picture of the lotion and some coupons in a nice grassy area on the UWF campus. Yeah, I went on a picnic with my lotion. So?
Jun 7, 2011
Feeling Suave. Can you tell?

Did you clip the Suave B1G1 coupon from your Sunday paper inserts a couple weeks ago? Though it states B1G1, it actually rings off $3.00! I bought 2 Suave body washes at Target for $1.94 each and used the aforementioned coupon. I paid $0.88 total for 2 body washes! I felt really great about that until I saw that Publix has them on sale for $1.49. They could have been FREE – negative two cents to be exact (Publix does overages)! Learn from my mistakes. The coupon expires June 19 – don’t let this one get away.
AAANNNNDDDDD, you may visit http://www.suave.com/canyoutell/ to watch a few short hair care videos. Each video will end with the question “Can you tell? which model used Suave products”. For each correct answer, you unlock a coupon (answer them all before choosing your coupon – you only get to choose one). I’m getting 2 FREE products!
Jun 6, 2011
Butterhead: Get Paid to Buy Bayer!

Publix Display of Affection

Bayer Advanced Asprin (sale + manu coup + store coup)
2 Mrs. T's Pierogies (B1G1 + manu coup)
2 Hormel Canned Chicken (B1G1)
2 Aunt J Frozen Pancakes - whole grain! (B1G1)
Off Botanicals (manu coup + store coup)
5 Cans Cat Food (sale)
Tide Stain Release (sale + manu coup)
2 Garnier Hair Stylers (sale + 2 manu coups)
2 Morton Salt (store coup)
Original Prices: $45.02
Sale Prices: $30.62
Total Savings: $26.14 or slightly over 58%
Jun 2, 2011
You Salty Dog: 1/2 Price Old Navy + Sushi

Check it out: $20 worth of Old Navy apparel for only $10 on Groupon! You can use it on clearance. Join me on the coupons + clearance high! Use my referral link to get your Groupon and help a sister out.
Pick up a $12 Nippon Sushi and Grill Groupon for $6 while you're there. Click here to use my sushi referral link.
Update: DON'T do this with your Groupon! (Link courtesy of THE Kacey of KaceysKitchen.com.)
Jun 1, 2011
It's that time again...

Did you print your new coupons yet? Check coupons.com for the latest and greatest. Go ahead and print as many as you think you will need. When I was a couponing newbie way back two weeks ago, I only printed one of each. I went back the next day to print additional copies of a few select coups that were very good to me and they were already gone. Learn from my mistakes, kids.